Some people drew these...

Oh fuck, it's the Fizzler! ~ art by Positronic
a mullet couple is lookng for a lesbian ~ art by Positronic
Horgys D'Oeuvres ~ art by Positronic
the Phantom wants you to burp for him! ~ art by Positronic
horny airplane engineers are proud of their success ~ art by Positronic
art by Positronic
art by Positronic
Ants with Human Eyes ~ art by Puppy Time
art by Puppy Time
Save time with Fat Juicer ~ art by Puppy Time
happily identified ticks ~ art by Puppy Time
Fish Socks! ~ art by Puppy Time
lifting two sephora bags ~ art by Puppy Time
soften scaly elbows ~ art by Puppy Time
samurai dog ~ art by Puppy Time
samurai dog DVD ~ art by Puppy Time
a clear eye ~ art by Puppy Time
eggs, you're gonna want to smash those with your fist ~ art by Puppy Time
Roy Orbison is stuck down a well ~ art by Puppy Time
You're totally a dragon. You got my Hershey's? ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
Psst! Traveler! Khajit has wares if you have coin! ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
complicated vape ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
funeral potatoes ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
Roy Orbison as frankenstein's monster ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
dingo ate my dildo ~ art by renew
makes me wanna cum donkey sauce on a flip-flop ~ art by sadman_southers
Night of the Rich Dumbasses ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
vinyl cover art for The Sound Quality is Inaudible ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
What organ does coke destroy? ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
Chester Cheetah is MADE OF WEED ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
don't squeeze a cat! What if a cat squeezed you? ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
The Phanom of the Anal Opera (In Oculus) ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
Lift Like There's No LP ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
Ride the green stink wave!!!! ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
GLAZE YA DEAD HOMIE ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
Tom Clancy Boner Theory ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
DIY Grinder Kit ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
Camping With Butter ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
roy orbison clingfilm clear plastic clear hearts ~ art by Sanguinary Novel

Have your own you'd like to share? Send it to Lemon.