Some people drew these...

Twas the Night of Jack Chickmas ~ art by eldritchhat
ALL SHALL BLEND ~ art by Sauce
the tree says THANK YOU ~ art by Spooks
Bunnybread welcomes you to F Plus Live ~ art by Vivi Vixen
Vivi Vixen
Latawnya plays a smoking game and a drinking game ~ art by Sauce
NUKE THE MOON!!! ~ art by Mango Tango
Mango Tango
the moon doesn't like you either ~ art by Sauce
FUCK THE MOON! ~ art by Sauce
art by eldritchhat
art by Amelia Blank
my hobby is sleight-of-hand magick! ~ art by Adam Bozarth
Couple's Counseling by Dr. JP Godek ~ art by dijon du jour
art by Moxie Ramsey
art by Shell Game
Lemon's Kraft Korner ~ art by tiny prancer
tiny prancer
Midwest Monsterfuck Tour ~ art by dijon du jour
Ice T as Anne Rice ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sauce
Lemon insists that megatron is erotic ~ art by Sauce
Harry Potter and The Transformers Kink Meme ~ art by Spooks
Venus De Milo with flightlights for arms ~ art by Sham Bam Bamina
All 24 hours of Garbage Day 2020 ~ art by Fish Shticks
Fish Shticks
Horny & Sleepy's self-titled album ~ art by Dyna Moe
Dyna Moe
the sword ~ art by A Meat
the sword ~ art by Amelia Blank
the sword ~ art by chai tea latte
the sword ~ art by Deep 13
Deep 13
the sword (v1) ~ art by Sham Bam Bamina
the sword (v2, with umbrella) ~ art by Sham Bam Bamina
the sword ~ art by Skeeps
Boots gave Frank West $21 for this. ~ art by LuckyNumbers
art by Amelia Blank
art by eldritchhat
Cinnabon Snake ~ art by Amelia Blank
art by Positronic
art by Spooks
I worship Chris Cantelmo and all I got was this lousy t-shirt ~ art by Tipsy Almond
Tipsy Almond
art by lobsterkiahl
art by Tipsy Almond
Tipsy Almond
art by Dr. Buttplug
Dr. Buttplug
please listen. ~ art by Shell Game
that robot has a bomb in her butt ~ art by Deep 13
Deep 13
samurai dog ~ art by Puppy Time
samurai dog DVD ~ art by Puppy Time
art by eldritchhat
The D'Deer ~ art by eldritchhat
squirt guns of the year ~ art by Amelia Blank
full metal jacket the animated series ~ art by eldritchhat
fishfahan says you are in a world of shit ~ art by eldritchhat
grey | tall grey | extra tall grey | super tall grey ~ art by Amelia Blank

Have your own you'd like to share? Send it to Lemon.