Some people drew these...

a tiny nose fails to entertain an audience of huge nose lovers ~ art by Sauce
art by eldritchhat
I want YOU to listen to The F Plus Podcast (and to yiff my ass) ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
FAT Magazine ~ art by Sauce
wizard skink ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
the Phantom wants you to burp for him! ~ art by Positronic
art by Amelia Blank
art by Tipsy Almond
Tipsy Almond
SHAUN/11 NEVER FORGET ~ art by transatlanticalien
complicated vape ~ art by Ragnarok Boobies
Ragnarok Boobies
art by Portaxx
Purdy's hedgehog vape ~ art by Shell Game
Paula Deen's deep fried butter ~ art by Spooks
Jesus gonna introduce you to Buddhist Love ~ art by Sauce
art by Shell Game
Lemon going through a portal ~ art by Sauce
Janitor Movie Association of America ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
art by Sanguinary Novel
The Mealitary ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
art by Sherman Tank
Sherman Tank
art by Shell Game
plastic woman made out of fleshlights ~ art by Spooks
art by Portaxx
art by Sham Bam Bamina
the sword ~ art by Skeeps
magickal buttplugs ~ art by eldritchhat
smelling a shoe ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
art by transatlanticalien
DIY Grinder Kit ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
Salad with Stog ~ art by scungepot
four types of frogs ~ art by Positronic
art by dijon du jour
I'll cut your dick off valentine ~ art by Spooks
fishfahan says you are in a world of shit ~ art by eldritchhat
So mote it be! ~ art by Shell Game
a butt on display ~ art by Sauce
Detective Cartoon ~ art by Adam Bozarth
an old bottle of urine ~ art by Sham Bam Bamina
Her eyes were purple like an emerald sapphire ~ art by Adam Bozarth
Roy Orbison is in Dusseldorf attending to certain matters ~ art by Adam Bozarth
Snagglepuss Loki has giggling sex ~ art by For The Love
For The Love
Pretty Terrapin ~ art by eldritchhat
We Are... SEX IN THE BUTT ~ art by Moxie Ramsey
art by Amelia Blank
I lift weights and my farts smell real bad ~ art by Beelzeboob
limbless monkey ~ art by sku
donut djinn ~ art by Moxie Ramsey
The Substitute ~ art by Sauce
roy orbison clingfilm clear plastic clear hearts ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
NIGHT OF THE MONSTER COCK ~ art by eldritchhat

Have your own you'd like to share? Send it to Lemon.