Some people drew these...

roy orbison clingfilm clear plastic clear hearts ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sanguinary Novel
Ice T as Anne Rice ~ art by Sanguinary Novel
art by Sauce
All the single Aesir ~ art by Sauce
Algore The Warrior fights Slaughterbus ~ art by Sauce
The Substitute ~ art by Sauce
Gotham City ~ art by Sauce
Goku has an incident with toilet paper ~ art by Sauce
Patrick82's apartment ~ art by Sauce
an astronaut has an orgasm on Mars ~ art by Sauce
Release the cat! ~ art by Sauce
Weel.. He's just not very funny... ~ art by Sauce
art by Sauce
jugglypuff boobs ~ art by Sauce
art by Sauce
ant with human eyes ~ art by Sauce
Jesus gonna introduce you to Buddhist Love ~ art by Sauce
Change mah vyoo! ~ art by Sauce
a butt on display ~ art by Sauce
Florida Man is naked ~ art by Sauce
Bishop Bee ~ art by Sauce
Flowerface with a dollar between her ass pancakes ~ art by Sauce
a tiny nose fails to entertain an audience of huge nose lovers ~ art by Sauce
Magic Trash ~ art by Sauce
Is it bad to show my hamster movies with suggestive themes? ~ art by Sauce
sexual brontosaurus ~ art by Sauce
Lemon going through a portal ~ art by Sauce
A man smokes 6 cigarettes ~ art by Sauce
SUFFER ~ art by Sauce
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley got their butts stuck together ~ art by Sauce
Silly-Face Solo ~ art by Sauce
a virgin juggalo unicorn ~ art by Sauce
giant inflatable feet balloons ~ art by Sauce
Satan made you a bracelet. So think racist? ~ art by Sauce
Dr. Pigeon says stop consuming Soylent ~ art by Sauce
Because you're St. John's Worth It ~ art by Sauce
Lemon insists that megatron is erotic ~ art by Sauce
Google during Pearl Harbor ~ art by Sauce
art by Sauce
FAT Magazine ~ art by Sauce
gunchucks ~ art by Sauce
crabcore ~ art by Sauce
the disapproving sloth ~ art by Sauce
take the red pill and fuck a hyundai ~ art by Sauce
the bible is cool with it ~ art by Sauce
a merman warrior out of water ~ art by Sauce
200 Gold  Accept Slut ~ art by Sauce
toothpaste is a fetish ~ art by Sauce

Have your own you'd like to share? Send it to Lemon.