Problematic Sex Toys
episode 293 : Problematic Sex Toys

293: Problematic Sex Toys

Some years ago, we covered some of the sex toys on offer at Bad Dragon. But now this is an entirely different thing. We're taking a tour of different places on the internet, all of…

episode 292 : Stumped!

292: Stumped!

DeviantArt is a strange place with many strange people, chief among them are the titular deviants, who use the site to share and explore their own peculiar sexual predilections. And…

F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 1
episode live7a : F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 1

F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 1

It took us until our seventh F Plus Live to figure out that we could do it somewhere other than Minneapolis, and that we could do it in a theatre! We're so excited about the idea that…

F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 2
episode live7b : F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 2

F Plus Live 7 | Seattle, I Guess | Part 2

As is tradition, we return from the break drunker than we were when we started, which becomes really obvious in Lemon's failed introductions. But we've got more crap to read, and we're…

Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now
episode 291 : Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now

291: Hi Reddit, I'm On Drugs Right Now

Some people use drugs as a method of self-discovery. Some people use Reddit as a way to discover things they don't know enough about. What happens when these two things combine? Stupid…

Smashed Words
episode 290 : Smashed Words

290: Smashed Words

With half a million works in their catalog, the marketplace at the strangely named Smashwords describes itself as “your ebook. your way”. And, as long as “your ebook” is a christian cyberpu…

May I Propose Prepuce?
episode 289 : May I Propose Prepuce?

289: May I Propose Prepuce?

When the users over at Adult Fanfiction Dot Org aren't writing porn, they're thinking of ways to critque the ways that you, personally, write your porn. Fortunately, the site has a…

The Rites of Price
episode 288 : The Rites of Price

288: The Rites of Price

Let's not complicate matters: There are magickal items for sale on Etsy. This episode involves us reading about those items. We square? Great. Now, enjoy our new game show. This week,…

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Shorn To Secrecy
episode 287 : Shorn To Secrecy

287: Shorn To Secrecy

We've previously taught you that being into women's hair is a thing, but it turns out that the cutting of hair is a thing as well. There's a surprising number of sites documenting this…

'Twas The Night of Jack Chickmas
episode twas : 'Twas The Night of Jack Chickmas

'Twas The Night of Jack Chickmas

So, Cat Examiner submitted a document that was nothing but "Night Before Christmas" style poems. Then, the next day, Jack Chick got drunk and recorded the entire document,…

Topix Not Worth Discussing
episode 286 : Topix Not Worth Discussing

286: Topix Not Worth Discussing

The website Topix has been around since 2004 and in all that time has yet to figure out a good reason to exist. It's a news aggregator website with specific regional subsections, and…

Our First And Only Vore Episode
episode 285 : Our First And Only Vore Episode

285: Our First And Only Vore Episode

It's kind of weird that a podcast that's existed for as long as ours has, that covers the sort of material that we do, has yet to do a full-on vore episode. Just a primer in case you…

The Politics of Bimboland
episode 284 : The Politics of Bimboland

284: The Politics of Bimboland

Bimboland (or BimboLand or Bimbo Land, depending) is a browser game where where players create an avatar and then level up their stats, try on clothes, and date other bimbos. Much more…

Nice Guys Finish Last
episode 283 : Nice Guys Finish Last

283: Nice Guys Finish Last

Milovana.com is the internet's most comprehensive resource for methods of orgasm denial. From instructional videos to concept discussions, to a genre of video game that is entirely…

Pounded In The Butt By The Heal Beam
episode 282 : Pounded In The Butt By The Heal Beam

282: Pounded In The Butt By The Heal Beam

Over time, the sociological constructs of multiplayer video games have bled ever more into the regular lives of sexually active adults. Whether with strangers or known companions, the…

I Want That Inside Me
episode 281 : I Want That Inside Me

281: I Want That Inside Me

Biohack.me is a place for "grinders". That's a word with many definitions, but to the forum community at biohack.me, a grinder is someone who cuts themsleves in order to…

For A Better Slearth
episode 280 : For A Better Slearth

280: For A Better Slearth

Of the many Stack Exchange communities out there, the brave souls at the Worldbuilding Stack Exchange are the ones working tirelessly to solve the very dumbest of problems. Got a…

Masters of Bating
episode 279 : Masters of Bating

279: Masters of Bating

If you're looking for a place where old men are chattin' about jackin', you could do a lot worse than JackinChat dot com. These are men who have transcended masturbation as you might…

Garbage Day (Hours 1 - 6)
episode garbage-day-1 : Garbage Day (Hours 1 - 6)

Garbage Day (Hours 1 - 6)

This is Garbage Day! Another 24 Terrible Hours with The F Plus to celebrate bad writing and raise money for the Southern Poverty Law Center. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson.…

Garbage Day (Hours 7 - 12)
episode garbage-day-2 : Garbage Day (Hours 7 - 12)

Garbage Day (Hours 7 - 12)

This is Garbage Day! Another 24 Terrible Hours with The F Plus to celebrate bad writing and raise money for the Southern Poverty Law Center. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson.…

Garbage Day (Hours 13 - 18)
episode garbage-day-3 : Garbage Day (Hours 13 - 18)

Garbage Day (Hours 13 - 18)

This is Garbage Day! Another 24 Terrible Hours with The F Plus to celebrate bad writing and raise money for the Southern Poverty Law Center. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson.…

Garbage Day (Hours 19 - 24)
episode garbage-day-4 : Garbage Day (Hours 19 - 24)

Garbage Day (Hours 19 - 24)

This is Garbage Day! Another 24 Terrible Hours with The F Plus to celebrate bad writing and raise money for the Southern Poverty Law Center. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson.…

It's Trichy!
episode 278 : It's Trichy!

278: It's Trichy!

You might expect that the people over at KinkyForums are dilettantes with their sexual proclivities, but that would be a mistake. They have found what is, for them, the one perfect…

My First Time (Lying On A Website)
episode 277 : My First Time (Lying On A Website)

277: My First Time (Lying On A Website)

The website MyFirstTime.com was launched in 1997 to collect stories of formative sexual experiences from its visitors. Those stories are, on average, outright fabrications written by…

im•`prüv yər lek•sə•`kän
episode 276 : im•`prüv yər lek•sə•`kän

276: im•`prüv yər lek•sə•`kän

For nearly 20 years, the website Urban Dictionary has been providing definitions for words and terms not covered by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. And that statement is true, so you…

Plane Crazy
episode 275 : Plane Crazy

275: Plane Crazy

Our world was made a lot smaller with the proliferation of airplanes. Costing hundreds of millions of dollars apiece, an airplane can provide safe and efficient travel over the…


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