F Plus Episode 295

295: A Role In The Sack


Sex! Sure, it's a thing that people pretend to enjoy, but when it comes down to it, it turns out very few people seem to like the actual physical act. As in all things, it's up to The Internet to this into a fulfilling experience, and the community over at Blue Moon Roleplaying Forums is really trying their best in this regard.

This week, The F Plus can't get a job in Venus City.

  1. Nouvelle Vague - Master & Servant
  2. Lobsterdust - Do Ya Think Deceptiback?
Chapters provided by ikaribattousai
1 00:00:00 Intro
2 00:02:00 Like Craigslist, but with a Difference
3 00:04:08 Mighty Woman: The "Total Package"
4 00:15:43 The DM I Want to See in Others
5 00:21:04 And That's How Fuck Grinch Got Made
6 00:25:08 I Have a Big Thing for Lenny Bruce
7 00:26:02 Brought to You by Bed, Bath & Beyond
8 00:31:44 Welcome to Venus City
9 00:35:49 Cumming Pays the Bills, but Graphics Design is my True Passion
10 00:41:39 A Female Greninja in Only a Swimsuite
11 00:56:02 Fucking the Busty Bimbo Elf
12 01:06:01 Pokemon Tablefuck Adventures!!!
13 01:13:02 What Have We Learned from Any of This?
14 01:17:30 Outro