I Can't Put Up With You People Because You're Bastard People

93: I Can't Put Up With You People Because You're Bastard People

The last dozen years of internet development has brought avenues of conversation we wouldn't have thought possible in the previous dozen. And yet, through all of this, is there any…

Braking Bad: Aliens Attack

Braking Bad: Aliens Attack

We were actually recording a completely unrelated episode when we stumbled across this content by accident. So, we just did what comes naturally to a young man.

We Don't Not Need No Uneducation
episode 92 : We Don't Not Need No Uneducation

92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation

Parenting, as many have said, is a difficult task. But it's a task that's made significantly simpler if you just decide you'll let your children do whatever they want. We're exploring…

Boy You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums

91: Boy You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums

There's around 7 billion living human bodies on this Earth, and while there's some general variance between them, you'll find a lot of similarities. And the members of bodymod.org…

The Remainder of My Time Will Be A Series of Grunts

90: The Remainder of My Time Will Be A Series of Grunts

The opening sentence on debate.org describes the site as a "community where intelligent minds from around the world come to debate online and read the opinions of others." We…

Angry Angry Hippos
episode 89 : Angry Angry Hippos

89: Angry Angry Hippos

Human beings come in a myriad of shapes and sizes, and the enlightened among us would say that this is all perfectly fine. While there may be difficulties or handicaps or struggles…

I Can See Your Retch Marks
episode 88 : I Can See Your Retch Marks

88: I Can See Your Retch Marks

It should be no surprise to any of you that a reasonable percentage of the population finds the female breast aesthetically pleasing. There are all sorts of scientific and emotional…

So Clearly You All Hate Us
episode 87 : So Clearly You All Hate Us

87: So Clearly You All Hate Us

A little while ago, we opened it up to you, The F Plus listeners, to provide us with some of the most intensely absurd material we could find. Then we had troubles releasing episodes…

All RFIDs In Me

86: All RFIDs In Me

Hypothesis, thesis, antithesis. It's those three words that distill the Scientific Method. A way of thinking that has brought our society the majority of the gifts given to itself over…

Drowning In A Bucket Of Words

85: Drowning In A Bucket Of Words

Here is some poetry. It is butt.

Elisha Cuthbert Has To Pee Sometimes

84: Elisha Cuthbert Has To Pee Sometimes

Explaining his methodology for creating tension in his films, Alfred Hitchcock said "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." This sums up the fetish…

Just The 160,000 Of Us
episode 83 : Just The 160,000 Of Us

83: Just The 160,000 Of Us

Some people believe that it's poor form to make fun of people with legitimate mental issues. We have a slightly different ethical stance on the matter, mostly centered around the fact…

I Sink I Love You

82: I Sink I Love You

As third wave feminism took hold in the 1990's, popular culture found themselves once again looking at the power dynamics of sexuality. Could a woman be strong and independent while…

Fear And Loathing of Las Chicas

81: Fear And Loathing of Las Chicas

As each generation ages, it looks back on the mistakes of generations before and tries to make changes. As a result, the status and politics of gender are in constant upheaval, as men…

Disliking This Episode is a Form of Harassment
episode 80 : Disliking This Episode is a Form of Harassment

80: Disliking This Episode is a Form of Harassment

A civilized society is a society of laws, but problems may occur when brilliant and cunning individuals find ways to circumvent the spirit of a law while adhering cynically to its…

Help Me Help Rob Help You

79: Help Me Help Rob Help You

Like any modern internet citizens, we mourn the loss of AskJeeves.com. Back in its heyday, you could ask Jeeves any question, and the software would provide a response. Okay, sure -…

The Devil Went Down To Tumblr

78: The Devil Went Down To Tumblr

As the debate about the United States being a Christian Nation™ rages on (mostly in the form of poorly conceived Chick-Fil-A marketing efforts), we at The F Plus (excluding its leader, w…

Go Get 'Em, Tiger

77: Go Get 'Em, Tiger

In the four years that we've been cataloging the stranger parts of the Internet in podcast form, we've been asked why we've never done anything with furries. The issue mainly relies on…

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Today's Progress Was Yesterday's Form Field

76: Today's Progress Was Yesterday's Form Field

In the run up to the 2008 American election, Barack Obama told the world that "We are the change we seek." And now, as we reflect on our discontent with the status quo of tax…

If I Could Turn Back Time, I'd Still Cut You In Half

75: If I Could Turn Back Time, I'd Still Cut You In Half

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange taught us a couple things about the world we live in. Firstly, it turns out that Steve Martin's hair may actually just be that color. But only slightly…

Our Love Doesn't Need A Third Dimension
episode 74 : Our Love Doesn't Need A Third Dimension

74: Our Love Doesn't Need A Third Dimension

An independent artist and Jell-O spokeswoman once said "love is a battlefield". She then said "love is a battlefield" many more times, because it was part of the…

I Can Do Dream Analysis In My Sleep

73: I Can Do Dream Analysis In My Sleep

For man to be truly aware of himself, he must explore his own mind. To examine your own thoughts, wants and failures and growing on the things you've learned is the way to thrive; to…

Commissioner Gordon's Back Up Plan

72: Commissioner Gordon's Back Up Plan

Popular media seems to get no end of pleasure in exploring the day to day drudgery of characters who belong in a comic book universe. For those superheroes and supervillains, their…

Amazon Recommends Years of Therapy
episode 71 : Amazon Recommends Years of Therapy

71: Amazon Recommends Years of Therapy

Respected authors and lifelong readers hold differing opinion on the benefits of the kindle. While some bemoan the loss of the tactile pleasures of a good novel, others feel an e-book…

The Ace and Cakes
episode 70 : The Ace and Cakes

70: The Ace and Cakes

Hoosier biologist and unbelievable superpervert Alfred Kinsey believed that human sexual proclivities could all be charted on a seven point scale, from fully hetero to fully homo.…

The State of the Micronation Is Wrong
episode 69 : The State of the Micronation Is Wrong

69: The State of the Micronation Is Wrong

As politcal rhetoric becomes increasingly rancorous and the division between politcal ideals divides wider so that no plausible middle ground can be reached, there are some people out…


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