This One's Mainly About Butt Ghosts

110: This One's Mainly About Butt Ghosts

According to a 2012 Huffington Post omnibus poll, 45% of Americans believe that ghosts are real. And according in a 2008 survey published by Psychology Today, 44% of women admit to…

Your Role Is Played Out

109: Your Role Is Played Out

As modern people, it's easy for us to find our day to day lacking in dramatic moments. Of course, it could be up to all of us to go out in the world and find our own adventure, to live…

The Staind Lyrics In My Signature Will Demonstrate My Intellect

108: The Staind Lyrics In My Signature Will Demonstrate My Intellect

On a planet with a population of 7 billion, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the shortcomings of other people. Hopefully you have friends, loved ones, and a strong vibrant community…

Trash At Demonhead
episode 107 : Trash At Demonhead

107: Trash At Demonhead

It's hard for an independent game developer to break into the business. With average budgets for high profile games now exceeding $20 million, and an ever increasing number of…

Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws

106: Asgard Doesn't Have Alimony Laws

Love is a curious thing. The thing that drives two people together into a passionate embrace is as complicated as it is powerful. But the thing that drives one person to claim that…

The Only Thing I Know Is That I Am An Expert In Everything

105: The Only Thing I Know Is That I Am An Expert In Everything

From the very beginning, the Internet was created as a method of transferring useful, verifiable, and well sourced information from one place to another. Then some other guys showed up…

Your Universe Is My Universe's Therapist

104: Your Universe Is My Universe's Therapist

Any wise man must know that there is much to the universe that he does not know. But the wiser man makes up a bunch of crap about other universes and then sells that crap to suckers…

A San Francisco Podcast

A San Francisco Podcast

LIVE from the home of Zynga, it's The F Plus Podcast! When Lemon and Boots visited The City By The Bay, they felt it was perfectly appropriate to sample the culinary traditions of such…

Was It Worth It?

103: Was It Worth It?

I guess if you think about it for a little while, you could probably come up with a couple good things that women have provided for the world. Apparently the square bottom paper…

Episode 100 (Part One)

Episode 100 (Part One)

For the 100th Episode of The F Plus, we wanted to take a couple of hours exploring the internet's stupid and misguided history, tackling some subjects from many years ago that have…

Episode 100 (Part Two)

Episode 100 (Part Two)

For the 100th Episode of The F Plus, we wanted to take a couple of hours exploring the internet's stupid and misguided history, tackling some subjects from many years ago that have…

I've Also Got An Idea For A Reboot Of Young Guns
episode 102 : I've Also Got An Idea For A Reboot Of Young Guns

102: I've Also Got An Idea For A Reboot Of Young Guns

With operating budgets starting in the millions of dollars, the American Motion Picture is not an art form prone to risk or innovation. As the internet democratizes art, fresh ideas…

I Hope My Kids Never Evolve

101: I Hope My Kids Never Evolve

Many people would agree that monkeys, by and large, are pretty cute. This is why they make popular zoo attractions, popular designs on t-shirts, and popular themes in nursery gear.…

Can't find what you're looking for? Try seaching the site or browsing episode tags.
Mr. Gandolfini? We Have A Few Rewrites.

99: Mr. Gandolfini? We Have A Few Rewrites.

The F Plus has spent a number of years exploring odd areas of the internet in order to present you with material you might find thought provoking, interesting, horrifying, or otherwise…

Can't Say I Approve Of Your Methods, Mister Holmes

98: Can't Say I Approve Of Your Methods, Mister Holmes

For over a hundred years, the character of Sherlock Holmes has been an inescapable touchstone of Western Culture. The subject of sixty stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle has led to…

Even Nonsense

97: Even Nonsense

"Culture" is a tricky word, but it best describes our modern popular arts and entertainment, regardless of quality. When it comes to music, the disposable profit-motivated…

Hocus Bogus!
episode 96 : Hocus Bogus!

96: Hocus Bogus!

Here's the thing about our AllRecipes episodes: Sure they're stupid, but food actually exists. Welcome to SpellsofMagic.com, a place where you go in knowing that you'll be reading…

Why Crush A Bug When You Can Ruin It Emotionally?

95: Why Crush A Bug When You Can Ruin It Emotionally?

This is an episode all about people who are sexually aroused by insects touching their genitals. So if you hit play, that's your business.

I'm Really More of An Idea Guy

94: I'm Really More of An Idea Guy

Politicians would insist that American ingenuity is the reason for American exceptionalism. They are, of course, lying. All it really takes to be exceptional is the belief that you are…

I Can't Put Up With You People Because You're Bastard People

93: I Can't Put Up With You People Because You're Bastard People

The last dozen years of internet development has brought avenues of conversation we wouldn't have thought possible in the previous dozen. And yet, through all of this, is there any…

Braking Bad: Aliens Attack

Braking Bad: Aliens Attack

We were actually recording a completely unrelated episode when we stumbled across this content by accident. So, we just did what comes naturally to a young man.

We Don't Not Need No Uneducation
episode 92 : We Don't Not Need No Uneducation

92: We Don't Not Need No Uneducation

Parenting, as many have said, is a difficult task. But it's a task that's made significantly simpler if you just decide you'll let your children do whatever they want. We're exploring…

Boy You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums

91: Boy You Fellas Sure Hate Frenulums

There's around 7 billion living human bodies on this Earth, and while there's some general variance between them, you'll find a lot of similarities. And the members of bodymod.org…

The Remainder of My Time Will Be A Series of Grunts

90: The Remainder of My Time Will Be A Series of Grunts

The opening sentence on debate.org describes the site as a "community where intelligent minds from around the world come to debate online and read the opinions of others." We…

Angry Angry Hippos
episode 89 : Angry Angry Hippos

89: Angry Angry Hippos

Human beings come in a myriad of shapes and sizes, and the enlightened among us would say that this is all perfectly fine. While there may be difficulties or handicaps or struggles…

I Can See Your Retch Marks
episode 88 : I Can See Your Retch Marks

88: I Can See Your Retch Marks

It should be no surprise to any of you that a reasonable percentage of the population finds the female breast aesthetically pleasing. There are all sorts of scientific and emotional…


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