Harry Potter and the Weekend Seminar

143: Harry Potter and the Weekend Seminar

Have you ever thought to yourself "Man, I wish a pagan would come up to me and talk to me about how their religion works"? Well, that's a service you're gonna need to pay…

Indie Go Go Go Away

142: Indie Go Go Go Away

Hey guys, you remember that Kickstarter episode? We found worse than that on Indie Go Go. This week, The F Plus selects donors by fuckability.

We're Gonna Need A Bigger Scrote

141: We're Gonna Need A Bigger Scrote

With sex still being something of a taboo subject, feelings of sexual inadequacy can be complicated. Are you emotionally strong enough to provide a sexual experience that's mutually…

Is There Anyone With A Life on Mars?

140: Is There Anyone With A Life on Mars?

-=ATTENTION EARTH PLEASE STAND BY FOR THE FOLLOWING URGENT MESSAGE Mars needs poets. Also copywriters. Because maybe if we draft better letters than this one we can hopefully get a…

In a Past Life, I Was Also Insufferable

139: In a Past Life, I Was Also Insufferable

Death is a really, really terrifying prospect, and people go through all sorts of convoluted processes to avoid thinking of their own death as an impending end. Some people make up…

The Sound Quality Is Inaudible

138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible

It's easy to wax poetic on the trancendant power of music as an art form. What goes beyond words, beyond thought, and into a pure rhythmic experience can change you irrevocably. And…

Please Direct Complaints to This Hole in the Ground

137: Please Direct Complaints to This Hole in the Ground

There's a lot that can enrage a person. And while that's a perfectly reasonable feeling to have, it's best if you have friends to confide in, to share in your frustrations, and to help…

This Testes My Limits

136: This Testes My Limits

Sometimes it's difficult to write these episode synopses, so let's do this one direct: This is the ball busting episode. Horrible things happens to balls throughout this episode, which…

These Are a Few of My Favorite Kinks
episode 135 : These Are a Few of My Favorite Kinks

135: These Are a Few of My Favorite Kinks

This one is super duper gross. Anyway, The F-List (unaffiliated with The F Plus) is a community where furries can view the profiles of other furries to see if they're (cyber)sexually…

Build a Better Buttplug and the World Will Beat Off

134: Build a Better Buttplug and the World Will Beat Off

For projects in need of crowdfunding, Kickstarter has raised a billion dollars for projects, many of which were poorly considered, but none of them were overtly sexual in nature.…

Coldmouth Strikes Again

133: Coldmouth Strikes Again

Alright now fellas, what's cooler than being cool? These tongues! We're spending some time on IceChewing.com. As the name would imply, it's a place on the internet for persons who chew…

Skyrim Has Crashed (User Decency Error)

132: Skyrim Has Crashed (User Decency Error)

With over 20 million units sold, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been a shared part of our cultural experience. It's an open world game where you can slay dragons, accept missions, and…

Ask a Stupid Question, Make a Stupid Podcast

131: Ask a Stupid Question, Make a Stupid Podcast

What is there to say about BlurtIt.com that hasn't already been said about the Visigoths? Well, quite a bit, now that I think of it. The point is that BlurtIt is a populist Q and A…

Achievement Unlocked: Downloaded Podcast (40G)

130: Achievement Unlocked: Downloaded Podcast (40G)

When the internet shrunk our world, it became easier for everyone to compare their own lives against those of their peers and, invariably, feel meloncholy about what they've become and…

You May Now Fistbump the Spouse

129: You May Now Fistbump the Spouse

As social mores have changed in the past century, the wedding has evolved dramatically. No longer is it a dogmatic ceremony of tradition, but it can be a celebration of love, community…

Pioneers of Squat Cracking
episode 128 : Pioneers of Squat Cracking

128: Pioneers of Squat Cracking

Do you ever feel imprisoned by your own life choices? Bills, jobs, responsibilities... it's like we're not even alive anymore! Wouldn't it just be nice to be out there, alone, on the…

Cosplay to Win the Cosgame

127: Cosplay to Win the Cosgame

Hey, did you ever have a good friend, and your friend was a really good dresser, and you thought "I'm gonna steal her entire outfit and wear it myself and pretend to be her and go…

Acquire the Spiritual Energy of a Tiny Dead Pharoah

126: Acquire the Spiritual Energy of a Tiny Dead Pharoah

Hey, put this wire pyramid on your head, will you? No it doesn't look stupid at all. And it aligns your chakras or something. Okay, I need $300 please. This week, The F Plus chooses…

This One's Mainly About SLEEEEEEEP.

125: This One's Mainly About SLEEEEEEEP.

Look at your hand. Look at the detail in your hand. Look at the center of your hand. Sleep. Deepener. This week on The F Plus, your boobs are making us gay.

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Well, Since You Asked
episode 124 : Well, Since You Asked

124: Well, Since You Asked

Finally, a place on the internet where people can talk about themselves! ExperienceProject.com caters to people with all sorts of problems, diagnoses, and opinions. The only thing that…

The Beatings Will Continue until Dinner Improves

123: The Beatings Will Continue until Dinner Improves

Does a strict Christian lifestyle prohibit a kinky sex life? As you might expect, there's varying beliefs on this which are nuanced and subtle, so here's the Cliff's notes version: If…

The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen

122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen

Religion is one way to find meaning in one's life, and while it may be spiritually fulfilling, it's still not as fun as sitting in your room and reading Batman comics all day. Well,…

A Not at All Brief History of Dozerfleet

121: A Not at All Brief History of Dozerfleet

The artist leads a difficult life. Struggling to make sense of the world around him, he must create what is in his heart, then endeavor to show the world the truth he believes they…

Treat Me Like Garbage (But Really Nice Garbage)

120: Treat Me Like Garbage (But Really Nice Garbage)

Living in the 21st century means living in a disposable world. And as human interaction becomes as cheap as the products we use to emulate that interaction, you start to think about…

How to Listen to a Podcast (Abridged, With Images)

119: How to Listen to a Podcast (Abridged, With Images)

Boots wanted more WikiHow.

My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic
episode 118 : My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic

118: My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic premiered in 2010, almost exactly a year after The F Plus' first episode. But despite this, we've intentionally avoided the topic of Bronies…


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