F Plus Episode 322

322: The F Plus Praises!


Sourced from all over the internet, we're singing songs of praise and worship (25 of them to be exact) and we expect you to feel our love deep inside you, except not in a sex way this time.

This week, The F Plus begins The Upward Spiral.

  1. Portugal. The Man - Modern Jesus
  2. Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song
  3. Stryper - To Hell With The Devil
  4. Zekka - Kill A Rainbow
Cover image uses Sky Freedom Happiness by Pixabay
Chapters provided by Lemon
1 00:00:00 Portugal The Man - Modern Jesus
2 00:00:10 This is The F Plus Praises
3 00:02:20 Hey F Plus...
4 00:01:02 reader intros
5 00:05:30 Boots Raingear - Abstinence (by T. Schulte)
6 00:06:55 Isfahan - Virgin (Christian Poem) by Starluscious
7 00:08:50 JW Friedman - Sex Can Wait (by Neesee)
8 00:10:20 Jack Chick - Sexual Intercourse Tells the Story of Dying And Going to Heaven (by Joe Grace)
9 00:14:30 Adam Bozarth - 25 Ways to say NO!! to drugs… (by Bruce Beard)
10 00:18:30 Lemon - WHY WON’T GOD MAKE ME HIGH? (by sjhunt2005)
11 00:22:30 Boots Raingear - Don’t Compromise! (by Kathy Beardsley)
12 00:25:05 Jack Chick - N E V E R (by Nameria)
13 00:30:10 Isfahan - YOU CAN’T STEAL MY **CHRISTMAS (by Sharon Steege)
14 00:33:30 JW Friedman - Untitled (by Sergey)
15 00:35:50 Lemon - America The Beautiful? (by Judge Roy Moore)
16 00:39:30 Boots Raingear - I AM A POET (by Thomas Newton)
17 00:41:20 Adam Bozarth - Ouch (by Joyce Weber)
18 00:42:50 JW Friedman - No Bars Will Hold Me (by blinkers55)
19 00:44:00 Oh no, it's The Atheists!
20 00:44:40 Isfahan - What do you think of the poem I wrote for God?
21 00:46:20 Lemon - Destroy All
22 00:49:10 Jack Chick - christian poem for my daughter 2 bring 2 sunday school?
23 00:53:05 Adam - JESUS (by vickymg123)
24 00:57:05 Jack Chick - PC Christmas Poem
25 01:01:10 Jack Chick - Christmas Poem
26 01:07:40 JW Friedman - Do you like my rap about Jesus? (by Bob Hamm Praises Lord)
27 01:11:05 Isfahan - Easter March (by Don Scott)
28 01:14:15 Adam Bozarth - Another christian metal song i wrote lyrics do they sound good ? (by wttjrd)
29 01:16:10 JW Friedman - Do you know any good raps about jesus?
30 01:17:25 Boots Raingear - do you liek this christians rock song that i wrote!? (by Jesus iz so RAD)
31 01:18:20 Hey F Plus, what did we learn?
32 01:22:15 Stryper - To Hell With The Devil
33 01:22:45 and now it's your turn
34 01:24:15 Zekka - Kill A Rainbow

Additional Fun


Wanna take a crack at remixing these? Great. here's a zip file of 6 isolated .ogg files, plus a document listing each of those files in order. Do whatever you like with them, and then share the results with Lemon.